Thursday, April 24, 2014

Gold and Silver Prices - Filtering Out the Noise Silver and gold price sentiment is an unmentionable reflection of the desires of central banking, backed by a currency enforced by decree. Real price discovery is the forbidden yet beating heart of darkness - where few are willing to travel.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Conspiracy Fact Versus Conspiracy Theory The mainstream is on an academically-driven mission to politicize conspiracy theories and lump them all into the same category. While gold and silver manipulation is an ancient conspiracy fact, eyes are wide shut to the general awareness in the face of one revelation after another.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Mainstream Precious Metals Analysis: Out of Touch, Out of Context and Off the Mark On average, every quarter we are exposed to yet another price guidance by a mainstream analyst. Such analysts usually reside within a large investment bank. These calls become focal points for a sector and often seem to carry with them some form of self fulfilling prophecy.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Precious Metals: 6 Degrees of Separation as HFT Goes Mainstream A recent 60 Minutes television show interview revealed the long established electronic trading mechanism used to front run and carry out price management and profit schemes across trading seconds. In the wake of the interview, one cannot help wonder how many degrees of separation exist between public awareness of this and its connection to futures and precious metals price manipulation.